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Besorene (Best) McKenzie
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Besorene (Best) McKenzie
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Minister Best was born on the beautiful island of Barbados in the province of Christ Church to Hugh Layne and Venuta Best. She was educated in the Bajan School System until the age of eight, when she migrated with her parents to the United States. 

Born to God fearing parents, Minister Best attended church regularly, but she didn't accept The Lord as her own personal Savior until November 1999 during an altar call when The Lord spoke to her heart, as the church (Deeper Life Revival Church) sang the song "My Jesus I Love Thee...I know though art mine."

Shortly after accepting the Lord and committing her life totally to Christ, Minister Best joined the fellowship of Full Life Gospel Center at 493 Washington Street, where she served as a faithful Church Member, Choir Member, Secretary, Youth Leader and presently Women's Ministry Leader.

Early in the year 2004 observing how the Lord had been working in her life, Bishop Glen T. Prospere singled her out and mentored her, and in October of 2004 she was ordained as a Licensed Minister of the Gospel. Minister Best was assigned the task of being the Youth Minister for the local church, and she worked tirelessly in that ministry for six years. Her desire is to educate, and promote Christ like living in the lives of young people.

Minister Best is a graduate of Wheelock College where she earned a Bachelors of Social Work. Her testimony is…”I love the Lord with all my heart and soul. I love Him with everything that I am, and everything that I’m not, and my life’s desire is to do His will”.



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